On Wednesday morning, Aug. 2, 2017, a 19-year-old Palestinian brutally stabbed an Israeli man stocking shelves at a supermarket in central Israel. The terrorist was captured by civilians and arrested by police. The victim sustained critical wounds and is fighting for his life. The savage attack was caught by the supermarket’s surveillance cameras:
Such merciless stabbings of unassuming innocents in Israel are almost invariably perpetrated by young Palestinian men and women who view such barbarism against Israelis and Jews to be a noble cause. Palestinian children and teenagers are educated to dehumanize Israelis as the devil and glorify their murders. But the media rarely draws the direct line between the relentless indoctrination of Palestinian youth to murderous hate and the resulting terrorism.
Take, for example, the summer camps that Palestinian youth attend. Those who attend Fatah-run summer camp might attend the Dalal Mughrabi camp, named after one of the terrorists who perpetrated the 1978 Coastal Road Massacre, in which at least ten toddlers and children were killed. Palestinian Media Watch reports that, in addition, the PA has named 28 schools after terrorists and 3 after Nazi collaborators. These camps are regularly visited by PA officials who lionize the terrorist for whom the camp is named, encouraging campers to follow in their footsteps.
Hamas summer camps, for their part, have their youth play-acting at killing Israelis. For example, the closing ceremony at a camp in Gaza this year consisted of an elaborate performance enacting the murders of Israeli security officers on the Temple Mount and the violent takeover or “liberation” of the Al Aqsa mosque. The roles of Israeli soldiers and Izz Al-Din Al-Qassam fighters (Hamas terrorist arm) were played by campers in costumes with props. Watch the filmed camp closing performance translated by MEMRI.
Click on the photo below to view the entire clip.
Next time a journalist portrays a brutal stabbing by a Palestinian teenager as a lone wolf attack, ask them why they don’t see the connection between the making of a terrorist and Palestinian summer camps.