Gilead Ini

Update on Media Coverage of Prisoners’ Document

Even while Hamas officials unequivocally stress the signing of prisoners' document does not mean the group accepts Israel's legitimacy, some news organizations continue to wrongly claim that by signing the document, Hamas leaders "effectively endorse a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict." Other news organizations, however, have significantly improved their reporting on the document.

License to Err on SF Chronicle Opinion Pages

The San Francisco Chronicle claims to "strive for accuracy" and promises to "quickly correct errors or misleading statements." Yet its opinion pages serve as a haven for patently inaccurate anti-Israel allegations, and no corrections appear to be forthcoming.

Prisoners’ Document: Peace Plan or “Phased Plan”?

Much of the media is misreporting the substance of the referendum proposed by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and the so-called Prisoners' Document presented in the referendum. Reports claiming the document is a "peace plan" or that it accepts a two-state solution recognizing Israel are selling an idea of Hamas moderation that has little, if any, basis. While such overenthusiastic extrapolation might be acceptable in an opinion or analysis piece, news stories should stick to reporting the facts.

NPR Still Skews the News

Two extremely skewed segments on National Public Radio's popular Talk of the Nation news and talk program underscore that anti-Israel bias continues on the network.

AP Rewrites History of Moroccan Jews

When AP covers Palestinian refugees, the stories often uncritically present Palestinian grievances about purported Israeli "crimes." So why is it that when the wire service discusses Jewish refugees from Morocco, only glowing accounts of the Arab-Jewish relationship are cited, while the discrimination and pogroms faced by the community are overlooked completely?

Seattle Post-Intelligencer Publishes CAMERA Op-Ed

After two opinion pieces in the Post-Intelligencer celebrated Seattle's hosting of a play about International Solidarity Movement (ISM) activist Rachel Corrie, a CAMERA guest column pointed out that the ISM's extremist ideology distorts understanding of the Middle East. The newspaper's summary of CAMERA's column reads: "Her death was tragic, but the group mentoring Corrie was geared toward more toward building hatred against Israel than toward forwarding peace."

Christian Century Magazine Allows Wall Error

Columnist James Wall of Christian Century magazine claimed that Israel's security barrier "completely surrounds" Bethlehem. Although this is patently untrue—even according to PLO maps of the Israeli barrier—editors refuse to correct the error, simply because Wall, a regular critic of Israel, "stands by" his observation.

Yahoo! Takes Sides with Kevin Sites

Despite pledges of impartiality, the internet reporter features subjects on both sides of the conflict who share the same view of Israeli brutality and Palestinian victimization

Guardian’s False Apartheid Charges—Part II

Part two of CAMERA's investigation into Chris McGreal's Guardian feature comparing Israel to apartheid South Africa reveals more erroneous and distorted reporting by the newspaper's Middle East correspondent.

Fisk Warps the Facts

An excerpt from Robert Fisk's book, published on the Independent online edition, provides example after example of why the British journalist's work is seen as "warped" and uninformed.