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New York Review of Books Stonewalls on Correcting Errors

On Dec. 2, 2004, the New York Review of Books ran an error-filled essay by Henry Siegman ("Sharon and the Future of Palestine"). The publication has been alerted to the errors, but has declined to address them.

More AP Errors, No AP Corrections

As the chronicle of AP errors continues, so do the questions about the wire service's commitment to accuracy. A striking geographical error and a bungled description of an Israeli cabinet minister are the latest.

Syndicated Propaganda

Though Edmund Hanauer, director of Search for Justice and Equality in Palestine/Israel, routinely speaks of "justice" and "peace," the word "misinformation" more accurately describes his attacks against Israel, and his most recent column is no exception.

CAMERA Op-Ed Published in Asheville Citizen-Times

To better understand Muslim rejection of Israel -- and more broadly, hatred of the West -- Americans must look beyond the arguments of those who use Israel as a scapegoat, citing this or that Israeli policy.

Hamas Preacher Says BBC Correspondent is ‘Hamas Man’

A leading Hamas preacher was caught on tape saying that a BBC correspondent slants his reports to favor Muslims. A story in the Israeli daily Haaretz reports that Fathi Hamad, a preacher responsible for Hamas' communications system in Gaza, said "that Hamas man Faiz Abu Smala works for the BBC, 'and that way he writes the story in favor of the Islam [sic] and Muslims'" (Arnon Regular, "Leading Hamas preacher warns of clash with Islamic Jihad," 12/15/04).

CAMERA Op-Ed Published in Seattle Post-Intelligencer

In the intense media coverage accompanying Yasser Arafat's death, the man known to many as the "father of modern terrorism" is benefiting from an "extreme make-over," as some news reports and columns airbrush history to exclude his actual deeds.

AP Adopts False Hezbollah Claims

The self-declared mission  of the Associated Press (AP) is to provide news "of the highest quality, reliability and objectivity with reports that are accurate, balanced and informed." AP's code of ethics calls for "impartial treatment of issues." Why then does the wire service adopt the position of Hezbollah — a group designated by the U.S. Department of State as a Foreign Terrorist Organization, presenting the terrorist group's propaganda as fact?

UPDATED: Philadelphia Inquirer Blunders on Arafat

In the Philadelphia Inquirer's Nov. 11 front page story, "Yasir Arafat is Dead," reporter Carol Rosenberg did not shy away from certain truths about the departed Palestinian leader. She mentioned his hijackings, hostage-takings, and massacres, as well as his plans for the destruction of Israel. At the same time, the article contained a string of inexplicable errors and puzzling blunders.