Gilead Ini

Judgement, Accuracy and Accountability Lacking at Detroit News

A column in the Detroit News relied on numerous factual errors to support its call for economic divestment from Israel, yet the newspaper is avoiding its obligation to correct the factual errors in its pages. Though it is legitimate for the paper to publish such advocacy in the opinion pages, it is not acceptable that it allow the false information to pass uncorrected.

Study of New York Times Coverage Severely Flawed

A "study" by an anti-Israel group claims that New York Times coverage is anti-Palestinian. A closer look proves this claim, along with the pseudoscientific study which produced it, is absurd.

AP Claims that Israeli Politicians Exploit Holocaust

In an April 13 Associated Press story on a German film about Hitler currently being screened in Israel, reporter Josef Federman includes a shockingly inflammatory statement alleging Israeli manipulation of the memory of the Holocaust.

Updated: The “Contiguity” Double Standard

After Israel approved building a new neighborhood in Ma'aleh Adumim, a few miles east of Jerusalem, many news reports wrongly indicated that such building would prevent Palestinians from controlling "contiguous territory" in the West Bank. 

Associated Press Downplays Terror

The Associated Press once again downplays Palestinian terror. A March 18, 2004 ;article by Mohammed Daraghmeh not only equates Israeli demonstrators with Palestinian terrorists, but minimizes the activities of  those terrorists.