Tamar Sternthal

Travel Delay: AP Coverage Fails to Update Booking.com Warning Is For All West Bank Properties

Associated Press immediately covered Booking.com's decision Friday to warn customers against Israeli settlements as being located in "occupied territory" and therefore posing "high risks to safety and human rights." Yet, two days after Booking.com's decision Saturday to apply warnings to all West Bank properties — Israeli and and Palestinian alike — AP's story on that critical reversal is still stuck at the gate.

Deadly Standards: Bloody Days in Jenin Vs. Tel Aviv

AP highlights the fatal shooting of four Palestinian gunmen attacking Israeli troops as a "deadliest episode," even as the news agency downplays the fatalities' violence and terror affiliations. But the murder of three Israelis sitting in a Tel Aviv bar? Until CAMERA intervened, the only thing the wire service found deadly about that incident was the cops' killing of the Palestinian gunman "who attacked a bar."

Iran and Reuters: Inhabiting the Nuclear and Journalistic Abyss

UPDATE: After originally casting Iranian threats to annihilate Israel as nothing more than an Israeli claim, and ignoring the deep skepticism of IAEA and Western powers about a peaceful Iranian nuclear program, Reuters steps back from the journalistic abyss, rectifying the article's initial egregious shortcomings.

Changing the Reality: Editorializing Out Front in AFP’s Bethlehem Hotel Story

Given that the Palestinian government has choices about how to spend its funds, AFP's assertion that "There are insufficient funds to meet the needs of the territory's intellectually disabled" is not a factual statement. It's editorializing. The PA has chosen terrorists over the intellectually disabled.

AP’s War on Truthful Coverage: Remaking Islamic Jihad’s Salama Abed

By withholding the essential "detail" that Islamic Jihad claimed Salama Abed as one of its commanders, AP advances the false narrative of "war on Gaza," as opposed to war on a terror organization. UPDATE: In response to CAMERA's persistent communication, AP adds that Abed belonged to Islamic Jihad.

Values-Driven Apple News Gives Platform To Terror-Supporting Abdel Bari Atwan

"[O]ur values drive our curation decisions," said Apple CEO Tim Cook in 2018 as he accepted an ADL "Courage Against Hate" Award. Months later, Apple News granted Abdel Bari Atwan, a Palestinian-British journalist with a long record antisemitic and terror-supporting statements, a regular platform. What does that say about Apple's values?

ABC News Falsely Blames Israeli Airstrikes for All Gaza Fatalities

ABC correspondents Ines de la Cuetara and Reena Roy falsely charge that Israeli airstrikes were responsible for all of the Gaza casualties earlier this month, ignoring that errant Islamic Jihad rockets were the culprit in a significant number of cases.