10 Things CNN Needs to Fix in “10 Things To Know”

CNN's "10 Things to know before visiting Israel, the West Bank and Gaza" by Matthew Teller, meant to promote a broadcast featuring author and chef Anthony Bourdain, is chock full of factual errors and distortions.

UPDATED: CNN Duped by Anti-Israel Soccer Petition

Everything about CNN's claim that soccer star Didier Drogba joined 61 other players to protest the killing of Gaza teens playing soccer is false. Drogba signed nothing, there were fewer than 62 signatories to the petition, and Israel didn't kill 4 people playing soccer. UPDATE: CNN has corrected.

Updated: In Gaza, Macabre Manipulations of a Child Victim

Once again, media outlets categorically blame Israel for the death of a Palestinian child killed in "hotly disputed" circumstances. AFP and AP captions ignore information pointing to an errant Palestinian rocket as the culprit, and Reuters issues a commendable clarification.

UPDATED: CNN Ignores Hit Jeep, Injured Israelis

In response to communication from CAMERA, CNN editors vastly improve yesterday's egregious coverage of Gaza violence which had omitted mention of Israeli injured, had stated that an Israeli army jeep was "target[ed]" whereas it was actually hit, and had reversed cause and effect.

CNN Remakes Terrorists into ‘Political Prisoners’

CNN repeatedly misidentifies prisoners whose release was demanded by the Munich terrorists as "political" prisoners. Among them is Kozo Okamoto, who took part in the 1972 Lod airport attack, killing 28.

On Refugees and Racism, a Double Standard Against Israel

Recent press attention has focused on the repatriation of illegal African migrants from Israel. Very little of it has explained the context and difficult challenges facing Israel as a result of large-scale illegal immigration, particularly by non-Jews. None has included mention of Israel's history of welcoming refugees from around the globe.

Fareed Zakaria Bashes Bibi but Undermines Himself

 CNN's global opinionator, Fareed Zakaria, threw everything he had -- superficial analogies, distorted facts and cliches -- at Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Neetanyahu. Melodrama, yes; analysis, no.