New York Times

The New York Times Romanticizes Palestinian Stone Throwers and Ignores Their Victims

Stones kill, maim, wound and change people's lives forever. But you wouldn't know that from The New York Times front page article about Palestinian stone throwers. Rather, this was a story romanticizing the Palestinian perpetrators. It is they – not the Israeli dead and injured – who are presented as victims, "provoked by the situation," forced into a futile hobby, only to be arrested and incarcerated by fierce, powerful Israeli soldiers.

The Helen Thomas Cover-Up: Media Whitewash Bigoted Record

 Laudatory obituaries for Helen Thomas, first female White House reporter for a major news service, minimized her 2010 anti-Israel, anti-Jewish outburst. They noted her "apology" but omitted her retraction. And Thomas' unprofessional hostility to the Jewish state went largely unreported. 

Hassan Rouhani – The Extremists’ ‘Moderate’

Early news reporting about Iranian president-elect Hassan Rouhani tossed around "moderate," "pragmatist" and "centrist." It was left too often to opinion writers and think tank analysts to supply journalistic details.

What the Media Won’t Tell You About Palestinian Prisoners

All too often, mainstream media outlets whitewash the violent acts of Palestinian prisoners. Calling those incarcerated since before 1994 "political prisoners" is an egregious cover up of their brutal crimes, detailed here for the first time.

Jodi Rudoren Won’t Be “Schooled”

Jodi RudorenWhen billionaire Sheldon Adelson told journalists that Palestinians refer to Jews as sons of apes and pigs, and that perhaps Palestinian nationalism might be of recent vintage, New York Times bureau chief Jodi Rudoren scoffed. But Rudoren should have listened – Adelson was right.

Robert Mackey Cherry-Picks James Fallows on Al Dura

Not for the first time, New York Times news blogger Robert Mackey distorted the views of fellow journalists by cherry-picking quotations and presenting them out of context. The latest victim (aside from Israel, of course) is The Atlantic's James Fallows.