NPR Examination of Mideast Coverage Misleads
NPR's final report about its Middle East coverage states that in late 2013 Israeli voices outweighed Palestinian voices on the air. But CAMERA's own examination finds this is not so true.
In the final segment of its seven part series on Middle East history, National Public Radio covered the so-called second Palestinian Intifada. As in the previous segments, NPR once again offered up a highly skewed lineup of experts, with critics of Israel heavily represented and pro-Israel voices virtually absent.
In September 2002, NPR aired a seven-part series entitled "The Mideast: A Century of Conflict" purporting to bring "context and perspective to the story" of the Israeli-Palstinian conflict and "to help listeners understand the complex situation in the Mideast, the history, and the consequences of the confrontation." In fact, the series was marred by severe lack of balance, error and distortion