Anna Baltzer – Jewish Defamer of Israel

Anna Baltzer is a Jew who makes false charges against Israel. This puts her in high demand as a speaker at churches and universities who relish a Jew condemning Israel.

Amanpour’s Impulse: Smear Israel

 CNN's Christiane Amanpour reveals a hostile view of Israel, injecting gratuitious, false claims about it into an argument between two guests discussing an unrelated subject.

C-SPAN’s Washington Journal a Platform for Anti-Semitism

Washington Journal, C-SPAN's daily public affairs interview program, has become a megaphone for anti-Jewish, anti-Israel conspiracy theorists. January 4th segment with former CIA staffer Michael Scheuer, epitomizes the problem.

On the Lookout for Bias at NPR

Although NPR coverage of Israel is not as slanted as it once was, recent examples of bias, like the piece on illegal construction in East Jerusalem by Lourdes Garcia-Navarro, show that old habits die hard.

After Detroit Terror Attack Fails, Diane Sawyer Profiles Israel

Diane SawyerFollowing the failed terror attack on Northwest Airlines, ABC's Diane Sawyer and Pierre Thomas falsely charged that Israeli security, while effective, profiles Muslims. In fact, Israel profiles for terrorism, not for race, religion or ethnicity.

The Invention of the Jewish People: Shlomo Sand Reinvents History

The Invention of the Jewish People
By Shlomo Sand, Translated by Yael Lotan
Verso, London New York, 2009

When it comes to undermining the legitimacy of the Jewish state, there is no thesis too absurd to be published. "The Invention of the Jewish People" by Shlomo Sand who teaches French history at Tel Aviv University is one example.

NY Times Runs Puff Piece on Anti-Israel Comic Book

joe saccoIf Patrick Cockburn and Joe Sacco have one thing in common, it is their outspoken antagonism toward Israel. And despite this, or perhaps because of this, the New York Times enlisted the former to review the latter's new anti-Israel comic book, Footnotes in Gaza.