Plan for Palestinian Police Force Seven Times Larger than Current Force

Reuters reports that rebuilding Palestinian security forces may require up to 7 billion dollars beyond the current 7.4 billion dollar aid package promised at the Paris conference. This follows an article in the Jordan Times calling for a 50,000 person Palestinian police force.

CAMERA Letters in Playboy Respond to Anti-Israel Column

The letters address falsehoods and distortions in Jonathan Tasini's one-sided, anti-Israel October 2007 Forum column. In a note appended to the letters, Playboy noted that CAMERA readers critiqued Tasini's article with a "deluge" of complaints.

Study: On Nation’s Op-Ed Pages, Israel’s Voice is Stifled

A 19-month CAMERA study of guest Op-Eds about the Arab-Israeli conflict in the Washington Post, New York Times and Los Angeles Times found that pro-Arab Op-Eds and/or those critical of Israel overwhelmingly outnumbered pro-Israel Op-Eds and/or those critical of Arabs. No Op-Ed by an Israeli official appeared, though there were four Op-Eds by Arab officials.

The BBC and the Bombers in Dimona

The BBC is once again demonstrating its lack of impartiality by blaming Israel — this time for provoking the Palestinian terrorist bombing that killed an elderly Israeli woman and critically injured her husband and 37 others. Watch the following news clip from BBC America.

The Robert Malley – Arafat Connection

Robert Malley, a frequent commentator on the Arab-Israeli conflict, and a possible member of a Barack Obama administration, grew up in a world in which Yasir Arafat and Leonid Brezhnev were heroes, and Israeli leaders were demons. Has he outgrown his upbringing? The evidence would argue perhaps not.

Second Gaza: Time’s Tim McGirk Creates a Virtual Reality

In Time magazine's virtual world, Gaza has no Qassams, is surrounded by Israel and a concrete wall, and the U.S. and Israel urge the beating of women protesters — and this alternate reality is passed off as news.