Sabeel’s Demonizing Liturgy

Sabeel's “Contemporary Way of the Cross” turns a dishonest narrative about the Arab-Israeli conflict into an object of religious devotion.

National Geographic Distorts Situation in Bethlehem

Every Christmas, journalists and commentators use the Nativity as a lens to portray Israel as a land-stealing oppressor nation. This year, National Geographic kicks off the season with a distorted article.

WASHINGTON POST-WATCH: Half Full, Half Empty at the Post

A page one feature treating Israelis as human beings, an editorial criticizing Egypt and Saudi Arabia, a photo feature highlighting Lebanese civilian casualties that never mentions Hezbollah. Plus Orwellian language on Hamas: The Washington Post at work.

Campus Battleground (2007)

Quest Productions for WETA/Washington DC Producer/Director: Bill Jersey Executive Producer: William Free English, 55 minutes
This documentary, which premiered on PBS stations on November 27, 2007, reports on the clash on campus between pro-Palestinian and pro-Israel activists, but is marred by crucial omissions and lack of context.

Annapolis and its Aftermath: Background Information on Key Issues

As Arab and Israeli representatives gather in Annapolis at the behest of the American Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, to hammer out a joint Israeli-Palestinian statement on the shape of future peace talks, it is useful to look at the core issues of permanent status negotiations.

Timeline of the Al Dura Affair: A French Media Scandal

For years, Charles Enderlin of French public television network France 2 has been battling accusations that his September 30, 2000 newscast of a Palestinian boy allegedly shot to death by Israelis was staged. The Israeli government has now joined the chorus of voices that insist the broadcast was staged for propaganda purposes.

Economist Corrects Error on Hamas Suicide Bombing Campaign

The Economist claimed on Oct. 11 that Hamas suicide bombings were prompted by Baruch Goldstein's Hebron Mosque attack in 1994. CAMERA pointed out that Hamas had already initiated its suicide bombing campaign a year earlier.