Updated: New York Times Accurately Reports on IDF Investigation

UPDATED: CAMERA has faulted the New York Times for sticking to its blame of Israel for a June 9 Gaza explosion despite evidence to the contrary.  On June 14, the  New York Times  reported  Israeli defense minister Amir Peretz's  press conference about the IDF investigation into the explosion which concluded that Israel was not to blame.  The article by Steven Erlanger and Ian Fisher also accurately attribute the idea of an "errant Israeli shell" being the source of the explosion to Gaza residents.

Presbyterian (PCUSA) Leaders Should Be Urged to Reject Divestment

From June 15 through June 22, the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA), a Protestant denomination with approximately 2.3 million members, will pass judgment on the defense policies of Israel as it defends itself from terror attacks from the Hamas-dominated Palestinian Authority. The leadership of the PCUSA should consider more than just the Palestinian perspective, to acknowledge the 58-year history of Arab rejectionism toward the State of Israel, and to vote to rescind the unfair and counterproductive selective divestment initiative begun in 2004.

Israel Should Not Be Presumed Guilty of Gaza Beach Deaths

Much has been reported about an explosion on a Gaza beach on June 9, 2006 which killed 7 people, including 3 children. There has been a video shown repeatedly of a young girl wailing with grief there, coming upon the dead body of her father, and photographs from this video displayed in newspapers. The media is reacting to this incident much as they did five years ago with the case of Mohammed Al Dura. But like that case, it is becoming doubtful that the explosion was from an Israeli source.

Mike Wallace’s Middle East Problem

As Mike Wallace nears retirement, virtually all the retrospectives so far on his 43-year career at CBS News recall his reputation for tough interviews and the ability to get the story.  The reputation may be deserved, in general, but at least one subject has tripped up the "60 Minutes" veteran continually over the years — Israel.

More Terror Bias at NPR

A new analysis by CAMERA shows National Public Radio reporters and commentators continue to employ a double standard when reporting on terrorists and terror attacks in Israel versus terror attacks perpetrated elsewhere. When a bombing occurs that targets civilians in London, Istanbul, Sinai or Madrid, the perpetrators are routinely described as terrorists by NPR. However, the same is not true when an attack occurs in Israel and the perpetrators are Palestinians.

NPR Coddles Hamas

A segment airing on May 9th about U.S. policy towards Hamas typifies the one-sided NPR focus on critics of Israel. Interviewer Mike Shuster and his guests sanitize the Hamas-dominated Palestinian Authority while falsely equating Israeli and Hamas' attitudes toward peace.

Jimmy Carter Blunders in USA Today

When it comes to Arab-Israeli affairs, is former U.S. President Jimmy Carter a) uninformed, b) misinformed, or c) blinded by an anti-Israel animus? His USA Today Op-Ed, "Israel's new plan: A land grab" (May 16 print edition) makes a strong case for "all of the above."