Washington Post Publishes Hamas Propaganda Again

On July 11, the Washington Post editorial editor treated its readers to an opinion column, "Aggression Under False Pretenses," by Hamas leader and Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh. Readers would not know Hamas is a terrorist organization responsible for the murders of hundreds of Israelis and others, or that Haniyeh a leader or even a member of a terrorist entity.

New York Times Tilts Toward Palestinians

The New York Times seems to be slipping back into a pattern of coverage skewed toward Palestinian perspectives in its headlines, human interest stories and characterizations of terrorist actions and counter-actions.

The IHT Corrects Error on Palestinian Casualties

The International Herald Tribune wrongly blamed an unexploded Israeli shell for the death of two Palestinians in Khan Yunis last month. CAMERA staff prompted the following correction:

Ha’aretz Again Fails to Correct Error

Ha;aretz has in the past revealed its complete disregard for journalistic norms by describing its "quasi-policy" of ignoring complaints about factual errors in news stories. And now, once again, a significant factual error has gone uncorrected in the pages of the newspaper.

Guardian Publishes Seale’s Tirade Against Israel

The Guardian publishes an Op-Ed by Patrick Seale accusing Israel of conducting a ruthless operation in Gaza primarily aimed not at reducing the rocket attacks or freeing captured Israeli corporal Gilad Shalit but rather at squelching Palestinian moderates. The piece is riddled with unsubstantiated speculation, exaggerations, distorted language and false assertions.

CAMERA Letter Published in New York Times

Referring to the so-called Palestinan prisoners' document, an editorial in the New York Times wrongly claimed Hamas "endorse[d] a document that implicitly recognizes Israel within its pre-1967 borders" ("Hamas Provokes a Fight," June 29). The following day, the newspaper published the folowing CAMERA letter pointing out Hamas continues to reject Israel's right to exist

Update on Media Coverage of Prisoners’ Document

Even while Hamas officials unequivocally stress the signing of prisoners' document does not mean the group accepts Israel's legitimacy, some news organizations continue to wrongly claim that by signing the document, Hamas leaders "effectively endorse a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict." Other news organizations, however, have significantly improved their reporting on the document.

BBC News or BBC Propaganda?

The BBC is not only overtly partisan in its Web site article choices, it  misleads readers with a false, propagandistic version of the situation.  A  recent article entitled "Palestinians back prisoner release call" fails to inform readers that the protagonist interviewed was himself imprisoned for attempting to kidnap an Israeli soldier and that his wife had been imprisoned for planning a suicide bombing. 

License to Err on SF Chronicle Opinion Pages

The San Francisco Chronicle claims to "strive for accuracy" and promises to "quickly correct errors or misleading statements." Yet its opinion pages serve as a haven for patently inaccurate anti-Israel allegations, and no corrections appear to be forthcoming.

New York Times Apologetics for Terror

CAMERA has repeatedly faulted the New York Times for whitewashing and excusing Palestinian terrorism and repeating terroristsí¢â‚¬™ claims at face value. Faced with a newly published volume ("Politics, Charity, and Terrorism in the Service of Jihad," by Matthew Levitt, Yale University Press, 2006) that exposes the Hamas organizationí¢â‚¬™s single-minded goal of jihad against Israel, the Times review of the book once more rationalizes the terrorist nature of the organization.