CAMERA Prompts Correction on Palestinian Casualties

CAMERA staff prompted the following correction today at the International Herald Tribune concerning the number of Palestinian casualties from last winter’s fighting in the Gaza Strip:
Error (International HeraldTribune, Neil MacFarquhar, 9/16/09): The [Goldstone] report did not take a position on the hotly contested number of civilian casualties during the Gaza war. It noted that they range from the Israeli government figure of 1,166 to the Hamas figure of 1,444, with a couple of humanitarian organizations’ estimates somewhere between.

Correction (9/25/09): An article Sept. 16 on casualties in the Gaza Strip war said 1,116 [sic] Palestinian civilians had been killed in the fighting. The figure actually covers the overall number of Palestinian casualties: civilians, combatants and unknowns. The proportion of civilian casualties remains in dispute.

Just to be clear, 1,166 refers to Israel’s number for overall Palestinian casualties during Operation Cast Lead. Additionally, it should be noted that Hamas’ number of 1,444 relates to the group’s claim about the total number of Palestinian casualties in the Gaza fighting, civilians and combatants alike.

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