CAMERA’s Israel office last week prompted a correction at Times of Israel after the English-language Israeli news site published an Associated Press new brief which erroneously referred to Tel Aviv as a metonym for Israel.
AP’s May 28 item, appearing at Times of Israel, had cited Tel Aviv as shorthand for Israel, claiming (“Spain, Norway, Ireland formally recognize Palestinian state. . . ,” screenshot at left):
Israel slammed the diplomatic move, which adds to international pressure on Tel Aviv as it wages war against Hamas after the terror group launched a shock assault from Gaza on October 7. (Emphasis added.)
Jerusalem, not Tel Aviv, is Israel’s capital. In response to communication from CAMERA, Times of Israel promptly and commendably amended the item to rightly refer to “international pressure on Jerusalem.” Contrary to common journalistic practice, a note was not appended alerting readers to the change.
By May 29, the news brief has disappeared from AP’s site and was no longer available on the news database Lexis-Nexis.
Nevertheless, the wire service’s inaccurate reporting still appears on the websites of some of its clients, including Time (“Spain and Norway Recognize a Palestinian State as E.U. Rift with Israel Widens“). CAMERA has likewise contacted Time to request correction.
In the past, numerous media outlets have corrected the identical error, including the Associated Press along with The Los Angeles Times,Washington Post, Reuters, Newsweek and The Guardian, among many others.
Stay tuned for an update about a correction at TIME.
June 4 Update: TIME Corrects
In response to CAMERA's communication with editors, TIME likewise commendably corrected on June. Its updated digital article rightly refers to "international pressure on Jerusalem." (A screenshot of the original wording — "international pressure on Tel Aviv" — is at left.)