Sarit Catz

The Global Blood Libel against Israel

Mohammed Merah, the confessed Toulouse killer, said he wanted to avenge the deaths of Palestinian children. The drumbeat of false accusations that Israel murders Palestinian children is a modern day blood libel in which the media is complicit.

The Economist Blog: Short on Facts, Long on Venom

The Economist published under its imprimatur an online blog thoroughly disconnected from the facts and conveying such animus and contempt toward Israel, Judaism and Jews that it is clear no journalistic norms were applied.

BDS: A Smokescreen for Delegitimizing Israel

The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaigns that crop up on campuses and at research institutions claim to promote human rights. In reality, BDS is a smokescreen for delegitimizing Israel.

Tom Friedman Doesn’t Let Facts Get in the Way

Among the most disturbing claims in Tom Friedman's recent op-ed is his grossly offensive and false statement that the standing ovation for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Congress was “bought and paid for by the Israel lobby.”  Unfortunately, it is not the only falsehood in a piece  replete with distortions and classic anti-Semitic canards.

Joseph Massad’s Falsehoods, Columbia’s Embarrassment

Joseph MassadJoseph Massad's "Truth, facts and facts on the ground" (Al Jazeera English) is remarkable for the sheer number of falsehoods by the Columbia professor that cast all blame for the Arab-Israeli conflict onto Israel, while portraying the Palestinians as blameless victims.

Nicholas Kristof on Israel: More of the Same

Nicholas KristofIf it was written by almost anyone other than Nicholas D. Kristof on the editorial pages of the New York Times, "Is Israel Its Own Worst Enemy?" (Oct 5, 2011) would be shocking and outrageous. However, given Kristof's long history of anti-Israel rants, it's predictable and almost tiresome.