Sarit Catz

New York Times Magazine Cheerleads for Terror

Painting a sympathetic portrait of violent demonstrators, The New York Times Magazine 8,000-word cover story asks “Is This Where the Third Intifada Will Start?” With all the cheerleading in the article, it seems the New York Times hopes so.

13 for ’13: New Year’s Resolutions We’d Like the Media to Make

Every January, people around the world take stock of themselves and resolve to improve in the new year, vowing to break bad habits and form good ones. In 2013, CAMERA would like news media to do the same and we suggest the following 13 for '13... New Year's resolutions we'd like the media to make.

CAMERA Top Ten Mideast Media Mangles of 2012

In 2012, the media blundered all too many times in reporting on the Middle East. It was difficult to narrow it down, but CAMERA has identified our Top Ten MidEast Media Mangles.

Michael Oren: Media Perpetuate Hamas Strategy

In a Washington Post op-ed, Israel's ambassador to the United States writes, “Hamas knows that it cannot destroy us militarily but believes that it might do so through the media."

The Facts About Gaza Rocket Fire

The media often present a narrative biased against Israel, counterfactual and lacking in context. This is especially true now, as the world focuses its attention on Israel and Gaza. These are the facts.

A Nuclear-Capable Iran is a Threat to America

Much news coverage of Iran's quest for nuclear weapons has been framed as a clash between Iran and Israel. Little press attention has been paid to the threat Iran poses to the United States and the rest of the world.

The New York Times’ Broken Moral Compass

The New York Times indicts the morality of Israeli society on page one, above the fold. Isabel Kershner writes that "the poisoned political environment around the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has affected the moral compass of youths growing up within it."