Impact of Terror (2004)

Directed by Tim Wolochatiuk Associated Producers 52 minutes, English
This moving documentary about the Israeli victims of the 2001 suicide bombing at the Sbarro pizerria follows terror victims in the years after the bombing, documenting both the immediate and the ripple effects of the violence on their subsequent lives.

New York Review of Books Stonewalls on Correcting Errors

On Dec. 2, 2004, the New York Review of Books ran an error-filled essay by Henry Siegman ("Sharon and the Future of Palestine"). The publication has been alerted to the errors, but has declined to address them.

The NPR Switch

NPR reporters are once again routinely misrepresenting the statements of Israeli spokesmen, inserting the term "militant" where the speaker has actually said "terrorist."

The Road to Jenin (2003)

Directed by Pierre Rehov English, Arabic, Hebrew and French with English subtitles 52 minutes
The flim review is combined with that of “Road to Jenin.” In “The Road to Jenin,” filmmaker Pierre Rehov’s clear purpose is to expose the inflamma–y–and defamatory–falsehoods spread by works like Jenin, Jenin. As such his film does not attempt to be an overview of the Israeli and Palestinian experience in Jenin or an exhaustive account of IDF conduct. Nevertheless, the information that Rehov does provide is based on interviewees who use bona fide images and documents to substantiate their claims.

Jenin, Jenin (2002)

Jenin, Jenin (2002) Directed by Mohammed Bakri Arabic with English Subtitles 54 minutes*
The flim review is combined with that of "Road to Jenin." In "The Road to Jenin," filmmaker Pierre Rehov's clear purpose is to expose the inflammatory–and defamatory–falsehoods spread by works like Jenin, Jenin. As such his film does not attempt to be an overview of the Israeli and Palestinian experience in Jenin or an exhaustive account of IDF conduct. Nevertheless, the information that Rehov does provide is based on interviewees who use bona fide images and documents to substantiate their claims.

The New York Times’ Knee-Jerk Editorial Bias

“A precipitous Israeli overreaction” is what a January 15, 2005 New York Times editorial labelled Israel’s decision to end all contact with the Palestinian Authority (PA) until it begins to take action against the type of terrorism unleashed against Israel on January 13.

The Worst of Times

Op-Ed editors allow PLO advisor Michael Tarazi to demonize Israel with false charges about "colonies," water, citizenship.

More AP Errors, No AP Corrections

As the chronicle of AP errors continues, so do the questions about the wire service's commitment to accuracy. A striking geographical error and a bungled description of an Israeli cabinet minister are the latest.

Syndicated Propaganda

Though Edmund Hanauer, director of Search for Justice and Equality in Palestine/Israel, routinely speaks of "justice" and "peace," the word "misinformation" more accurately describes his attacks against Israel, and his most recent column is no exception.