BBC and Ha’aretz Journalist Whitewash Palestinian Incitement

Akiva Eldar, the Ha'aretz journalist who recently transformed Palestinian propagandist Hanan Ashrawi into the "Enemy of Incitement," weighs in again on Palestinian incitement. In a BBC interview March 15, he repeats the old canard that the offending Palestinian texts are outdated Jordanian and Egyptian books, and concludes that anyway, "the focus on incitement is very wrong and it's in a way irrelevant as long as we are fighting."

Associated Press Downplays Terror

The Associated Press once again downplays Palestinian terror. A March 18, 2004 ;article by Mohammed Daraghmeh not only equates Israeli demonstrators with Palestinian terrorists, but minimizes the activities of  those terrorists.

Ha’aretz Gives Hanan Ashrawi a Makeover

In a news feature item in the Thursday edition of Ha'aretz, Akiva Eldar discusses Palestinian spokeswoman Hanan Ashrawi, her organization MIFTAH, and incitement. Interestingly, his only mention of the word "propaganda" relates to "Israeli propaganda" originating from the Israeli Foreign Ministry, and the Ha'aretz writer has not a word to say about incitement originating from Ashrawi and MIFTAH themselves.

The Silent Exodus (2004)

Produced and Directed by Pierre Rehov 59 minutes
Filmmaker Rehov interviews several prominent scholars and survivors of the Arab pogroms including Bat Ye'or, the scholar who introduced the concept of "dhimmitude" (the legal and social conditions of Jews and Christians subjected to Islamic rule) into the lexicon. They vividly elucidate the circumstances precipitating the departure of these Jews from their longtime homes.

Los Angeles Times Editors Fail to Distinguish Fact from Interpretation

Although opinion and editorial writers have more leeway than news correspondents, the Statement of Principles of the American Society of Newspaper Editors makes clear that they are not off the hook when it comes to the facts. Thus, while editorial writers are free to interpret the meaning of events, they are not supposed to misreport what has actually transpired. The Los Angeles Times did just that in a Feb. 22 editorial.

The Long Way Home (1997)

Directed by Mark Jonathan Harris Narrated by Morgan Freeman English, B&W, Color 120 min
This academy award-winning film is about the heroic effort to re-establish the Jewish homeland in the wake of the European Holocaust. The film highlights the personal accounts of several survivors, tying them into the larger narrative of events in postwar Europe and Palestine and documents the unflagging efforts of others who helped them rebuild their lives in Palestine in the face of callous indifference by the international community.

Ha’aretz Keeps ‘Quiet’

In a Feb. 10 Op-Ed about the current status of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Ha'aretz writer Sefi Rachlevsky alleged that there had been "four years in which the Palestinians preserved nearly absolute quiet." Ha'aretz has ignored CAMERA's request for substantiation of this claim.