Reuters Reverts: Neutralizing Terrorism

In a world where terrorism has become disturbingly prevalent, there is no room for mitigation of terrorist actions. Reuters and others, however, attribute terrorism to mere claim by its victims.

Washington Post: Whitewashing of CAIR Continues

The "Fact Checker" at the Washington Post is misnamed when it comes to the Council on American Islamic Relations' Hamas connections. And Post political humorist Dana Milbank falls flat when he sneers at CAIR's critics.

UPDATED: Hamas Lies: Killing Kids Not Our Thing

Once again, Hamas claims that harming children is against the group's policy, despite a long history of brutality targeting youngsters. Palestinian Authority officials also pile on the denials. Anti-Israel hatemongers pick up the signals and blame the Mossad for the Fogel murders.

Glenn Beck on the Itamar Murders

Glenn Beck on the Itamar MurdersGlenn Beck of FoxNews presented, in his programs on March 14 and 15, a moving and obviously heartfelt analysis of the murders of Udi and Ruth Fogel, and their children Yoav (11), Elad (4), and Hadas (3 months old), residents of the Israeli community of Itamar.

Ha’aretz Buries Fogel Funeral

Ha'aretz finds page-one space for settlement building, Tokyo, migrating cranes and new technology in archeology, but not for the burial of the five Fogels, including a toddler and an infant, brutally murdered in a Palestinian terror attack.

A Historical Perspective on the Itamar Killings

In the wake of a heinous terrorist attack in Itamar, a disturbing number of media reports focused on Israeli “settlements” as the primary problem afflicting the region.  Neglected were the historical parallels to grisly Arab terrorist attacks resulting from anti-Jewish incitement – all in the absence of settlements.

NPR Execs Dine with Fake Islamists

National Public Radio officials lunched with men they believed were potential big donors affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood. The "Islamists" were actually self-described "citizen journalists" making a sting video. NPR's Ron Schiller and Betsy Liley chuckled at the "National Palestinian Radio" description and sat through insinuations of undue Jewish influence in the media.

Time to Enforce Balance at PBS, NPR

USA Today (online, March 4) published CAMERA's call, by Washington director Eric Rozenman, for public broadcasting to finally conduct mandatory objectivity and balance oversight of NPR and PBS.