CAMERA Op-Ed: Carter’s Elders of Anti-Zion

The Elders of Zion, a czarist forgery, contributed to antisemitism in pre-Holocaust Europe. The Elders, as they call themselves, are all too real, and -- despite their stated intention -- helping spread anti-Zionism.

A Slow and Grudging Retreat in the Face of the Obvious

John Esposito and Sheila B. Lalwani from the Prince Alwaleed bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding at Georgetown University do the best they can to downplay Muslim extremism in an essay about that very subject. It's not enough.

Checkpoint (2003)

Hebrew title: Machsomim Directed by: Yoav Shamir Produced by: Amit Breuer Hebrew / Arabic / English; English subtitles 80 minutes
The film presents a one-sided depiction of the inconveniences to Palestinians caused by Israeli checkpoints.

Washington Post: McCarthyism as News Coverage

Remember McCarthyism, smearing alleged bad guys with unsubstantiated charges? The Washington Post echoed "McCarthyist" charges against an Israeli parliamentary proposal without examining who made the claim.

Editorializing the “Palestine Papers”

It was a victory for Guardian and al Jazeera spin when some ostensibly objective media organizations were swayed by the advocacy journalism associated with the publication of the so-called "Palestine Papers."

On NPR, Israel is Accused With No Defense Allowed

On Jan. 20, NPR presented yet another report exemplifying its bias on the Arab Israeli conflict: A human interest story, devoid of essential facts and context, focused entirely on Palestinian grievances, with no Israeli voice, nor the reporter herself, providing a perspective, explanation or caveat on Israel's behalf.

UPDATED: Clouds of Questions Around Bilin Death

There are many inconsistencies in the accounts of those who say they were on the scene at Bilin with Abu Rahma, as questions continue to swirl around the circumstances of her death.