Editor and Publisher Defends the Indefensible Helen Thomas

The Washington Post's Tom Shales found a flaw in HBO's documentary about veteran White House correspondent Helen Thomas, "Thank You, Mr. President." It omitted Thomas' strident anti-Israel posturing. The editor of Editor & Publisher slammed Shales, but other reviews exposed the real Thomas.

UPDATED: Maruja Torres in El País Attacks CAMERA

Updated, August 27. Apparently uncomfortable with freedom of speech and the public’s right to challenge the media, Spanish commentator Maruja Torres leveled a frontal assault on CAMERA in a May 1st column in Madrid’s El Paí­s newspaper.

Behind the Scenes of CNN Bias II: Amanpour

In a "Behind the Scenes" piece about the Dalai Lama, Christiane Amanpour manages to reference the Arab-Israeli conflict. This strained detour, which paints a false analogy between the situations in Tibet and the Middle East, emphasizes the Palestinian perspective of the conflict.

Johann Hari’s Tirade Against Israel

British columnist Johann Hari's writings on Israel reflect a worrisome trend of fabricating facts and misrepresenting the words of Israel's founders in order to demonize the Jewish state.

The New York Times’s Fulbright Campaign (Cont)

The New York Times continues a veritable campaign on behalf of Palestinian Fulbright winners living in Gaza, charging the United States has once again "reneged" on providing three of them visas. Omitted is key information about the students' affiliation with the Islamic University of Gaza, a Hamas stronghold.