CAMERA Op-Ed: Voice of America Helps Hamas

Voice of America, the taxpayer-funded and U.S.-operated news network, is refusing to call Hamas “terrorists,” claiming that neutral language should be used. But as CAMERA tells The Federalist, VOA should heed Elie Wiesel's advice: “Neutrality helps the oppressor.”

CNN’s Tara John Delivers Another Slanted Piece

CNN Senior Writer Tara John’s name has repeatedly featured on the bylines of some of CNN’s worst pieces since the October 7 Massacre carried out by Palestinian terrorists. Between her omissions, inaccuracies, contradictions, and false equivalencies, CNN’s readers are being done a tremendous disservice.

CAMERA Op-Ed: The Palestinian Authority is Ill-Prepared to Govern Gaza

Some policymakers and press outlets have argued that the Palestinian Authority should rule Gaza after Hamas loses control. But as CAMERA tells the Washington Examiner, this notion is fraught with peril. The PA has rejected peace, supported terrorism and failed to uphold order in the areas that it presently controls.

Who Verifies NPR’s Reporting on the Hamas War?

"NPR cannot independently verify these claims" is the refrain used to discredit Israel's claims and the evidence that supports them. Not so for Hamas claims of casualties that are treated as authoritative figures that need no verification. The double standard raises the question of whether anyone can verify NPR's reporting or credibility.