CAMERA Op-Ed: The Media’s Inversion of Reality in Israel

During the latest Palestinian stabbing spree, the media presents an alternate universe, where black is white and perpetrator and victim are reversed.  Palestinian lies and incitement are downplayed or concealed and truth has become a casualty, along with the innocents who have been wounded and killed by those brainwashed by hate rhetoric.

“Desperation” to Rationalize Murder

On NPR's On Point, Palestinian writer Sayed Kashua's promoted the flawed narrative that desperation is the cause of the current wave of violence, and epitomized the errors of fact and analysis that are part of that view.

National Public Radio Series Marred By Inaccuracies and Omissions

  In a series timed to coincide with Israeli elections, NPR's Morning Edition suggests that Israel's claims to the West Bank are illegitimate and its settlements illegal and portray Palestinians as hapless victims who bear no responsibility for their misfortunes