CAMERA prompts correction of an AP article which had erased the deadly crime of released Palestinian prisoner Imad Abu Aliya. Nearly 50 secondary media outlets also corrected, clarifying that the terrorist was convicted for intentional manslaughter and incitement, not simply affiliation with Hamas.
UPI reports as fact a Palestinian organization's dubious claim that nearly 9000 West Bank Palestinians have been arrested since Oct. 7, ignoring Israel's figure of less than half that number. Once again, McClatchy pulls Adam Schrader's deeply flawed article from all of its sites.
CAMERA promptly alerted the network to a significant error in an video report about released Palestinian prisoners. Instead of a correction, the day after CAMERA’s communication, the network went on to publish a written version of the report, prominently featuring the same exact error in the first two sentences. CAMERA has now acquired and provided the network with conclusive evidence that the claim is false.
Nima Elbagir’s report is riddled with errors and half-truths, all which work to portray Palestinian terrorists who attempted to harm Israelis as somehow the real victims.
"It's true that we live in an era where the facts are less and less relevant. But there is someone who insists on them," writes Israeli journalist Ben-Dror Yemini. In 2022, CAMERA buckled down on the facts, prompting a record 245 corrections in English, Arabic and Hebrew.
Reuters, Haaretz and The Jerusalem Post correct headlines falsely reporting that Nasser Abu Hmeid died in Israeli prison, fueling unsubstantiated Palestinian charges of medical neglect.
AFP amends a caption which had erroneously referred to Palestinian prisoners "who died in Israeli prisons." Eight out of the nine pictured prisoners died in medical facilities from diseases.
UPDATE: United Press International commendably corrects after erroneously reporting that 80-year-old Omar Abdalmajeed As'ad died while in Israeli military custody, a claim not found even in Palestinian coverage, and contradicted by the Israeli military.
By failing to correct the false claim that Palestinian prisoner Kamal Abu Waer, sick with cancer, died in prison, when in fact he passed away in a hospital, AP plays into baseless Palestinian propaganda that Israel denies Palestinian prisoners adequate medical care.