United Nations on Israel

CAMERA Op-Ed: The Media Misses the Truth About UNRWA

The Washington Post and other news outlets reported on Israel's recent decision to ban UNRWA. But as CAMERA tells Providence Magazine, many media agencies aren't providing the full details behind the ban.

CNN Uncritically Amplifies a Kangaroo Court

Merriam-Webster defines the term “kangaroo court” as “a mock court in which the principles of law and justice are disregarded or perverted.” There is no more apt term for the United Nations’s Commission of Inquiry (COI) against Israel, which has long dispensed with any pretense of being fair, impartial, or objective. So why did CNN’s Niamh Kennedy and Muhammad Darwish treat the COI as if its conclusions carried any respectability?

NY Times Forgets: UN Resolution Calls for Disarming of Hezbollah

Although United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701 calls for the disarming of Hezbollah through Lebanon, the New York Times misinforms readers by citing only the part of the resolution calling on the terror group to evacuate southern Lebanon.

NYT Covers for Oct 7 Massacre Participants

One allegation. One U.N. investigation into the allegation. But when the allegation goes into the magician’s hat, an altogether separate investigation gets pulled out. It might not be magic. But it’s certainly not journalism of the “highest possible standards.”

CAMERA Op-Ed: The United Nations Helps Hamas

The United Nations is a key component in Hamas's war to destroy the Jewish state. And as CAMERA tells the Washington Times, the UN provides cover for the terrorist group. The press should not grant the UN undue credibility.