Terrorism, Terrorists
and Terrorist Groups

Anti-Jewish Violence in Pre-State Palestine/1929 Massacres

Attacks by Arabs against Jews in Israel pre-dates Israeli settlements, pre-dates Israel's so-called "occupation," and pre-dates the establishment of the State of Israel. On the 80th anniversary of  brutal massacres in Hebron and Safed (Gregorian calendar), CAMERA documents the oft-neglected history of Arab violence in pre-state Palestine.

Yasir Arafat’s Timeline of Terror

The media is focusing much attention on Yasir Arafat's legacy. Many of the historical briefs and timelines being published whitewash his decades-long involvement in terrorism. Below is a timeline of some of the key events and terrorist acts associated with Arafat.

VIDEO: The Amsterdam Pogrom – How Bad Journalism Fueled Lies

Last month in Amsterdam, gangs turned a soccer match into a horrifying "Jew hunt," chasing and savagely beating victims. Instead of condemning the violence, some media outlets spread baseless claims to excuse it. What really happened reveals an alarming narrative and the persistence of antisemitism. Watch the full story here.

VIDEO: The Amsterdam Pogrom – How Bad Journalism Spread Lies

Last month in Amsterdam, gangs turned a soccer match into a horrifying "Jew hunt," chasing and savagely beating victims. Instead of condemning the violence, some media outlets spread baseless claims to excuse it. What really happened reveals an alarming narrative and the persistence of antisemitism. Watch the full story here.

Once Again, CNN Hides the Facts on West Bank Violence

CNN's Kareem Khadder and Sana Noor Haq’s omissions demonstrate an unmistakable bias. They work to erase the violence of Palestinians while depicting Israelis as needlessly violent and oppressive. For media consumers seeking straightforward and honest reporting, CNN is clearly not the answer.