Under the guise of advocating for Palestinian Christians, Tucker Carlson launched a two-pronged assault on American Christian support for the Jewish State. To provide legitimacy for his campaign, he enlisted the help of Rev. Dr. Munther Isaac, a notorious propagandist for the Palestinian anti-Israel narrative.
AP's Julia Frankel falsely reports that under the intermin peace deals, "the self-rule government was meant to expand and eventually run a future Palestinian state." In Frankel's telling, the still stateless Palestinians have no responsibility for their current state of affairs, including West Bank economic hardship born of Hamas' Oct. 7 atrocities.
CAMERA prompts correction of a Reuters article which erroneously reported that the bilateral peace accords require Israel to grant West Bank or Gaza residency status to 4,000 spouses of Palestinians. In fact, the agreements do not specify any figures.
With Abbas' cancellation of elections on the pretext that Israel has not said it will permit voting in eastern Jerusalem, some reports mislead on Israel's Oslo-mandated responsibilities concerning Palestinian elections. As for Palestinian electoral responsibilities under Oslo, those simply aren't on the radar.
The Palestinian commitment to abide by Israeli regulations concerning pharmaceutical imports nullifies the Palestinian commitment to vaccinate its population is one of James Zogby's numerous absurd, unchallenged claims on the MSNBC segment.
UPDATE: "[P]er the Oslo Accords, the PA is not permitted a conventional military but maintains security and police forces," the CIA Factbook rightly notes. CAMERA prompts corrections in English, Arabic and Spanish after Reuters mischaracterized Palestinian security officers and police as "soldiers."
In a Vox explainer which begs explaining, Brent Sasley twists himself into a pickle over "creeping annexation" versus "substantive change." Interviewer Jen Kirby stumbles on the "return" of West Bank land to Palestinians and the duo erase Palestinian Authority control in the West Bank Areas A and B.
The Palestinian Authority is likely covering up evidence of its complicity in supporting terrorist attacks against Israelis. Yet, many major U.S. media outlets are ignoring the PA's suspicious decision to shred papers—and the history that suggests what the Authority is up to, and why.
There's a problem with the latest peace plan that the media is omitting: Palestinian rejectionism. As CAMERA noted in a Jan. 28, 2020 Daily Caller op-ed, Palestinian leaders have rejected numerous proposals for peace and statehood.