Beinart exposes complete disdain for and ignorance of not only history, but of the very legal concepts he seeks to rely on. He also displays his own inconsistent concern for respect of international law.
International media outlets citing Israel's 1967 capture of the Golan Heights from Syria fail to inform why. The truncated history lessons ignore Syria's 19-year exploitation of the strategic territory to launch attacks on Israeli civilians below.
Reuters incorrectly reports that Trump Heights is a new settlement in the Golan Heights. In fact, Trump Heights is the new name of the decades-old tiny community of Kela-Beruchim. Israel has not founded a new community, or "settlement," in the Golan in decades.
The Los Angeles Times falsely declares that the recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital, the relocation of the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and the U.S. recognition of Israeli sovereignty in the Golan Heights all contravene international law.
When it comes to Israel, The Washington Post seems incapable of reporting the whole truth. The newspaper's selective reporting and pattern of omissions are a telltale sign of its bias.
John B. Quigley, Ohio State University law Professor, has a career-long record of vilifying the Jewish state. This includes speech making to anti-Israel propaganda groups as well as various writings.