Washington Post

When Peace Almost Broke Out: A Washington Post Mirage

 The Washington Post periodical misinforms readers that in 2008 Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas were close to a peace deal. Never mind that Olmert and Abbas have said just the opposite. Once the paper published a corrective CAMERA letter to the editor, but not lately.   

The Helen Thomas Cover-Up: Media Whitewash Bigoted Record

 Laudatory obituaries for Helen Thomas, first female White House reporter for a major news service, minimized her 2010 anti-Israel, anti-Jewish outburst. They noted her "apology" but omitted her retraction. And Thomas' unprofessional hostility to the Jewish state went largely unreported. 

Talking about Peace Talks

As Secretary of State John Kerry returns to Israel and Ramallah in an effort to restart peace talks, the press frequently presents the story through the prism of the Palestinian narrative.

Post-Watch: Syrian Palestinian Refugees – The Endless Sequel

On June 12, The Washington Post published two solid articles on news involving Israel. But on June 22, the newspaper was back in "Palestinian default mode," Arab-Israeli blinkers firmly in place for "No respite for Palestinian refugees" that had, to be conservative, a few flaws.

Hassan Rouhani – The Extremists’ ‘Moderate’

Early news reporting about Iranian president-elect Hassan Rouhani tossed around "moderate," "pragmatist" and "centrist." It was left too often to opinion writers and think tank analysts to supply journalistic details.

Terrorist or Militant? Washington Post Wobbles Exemplify Media Confusion

After the barbarous murder of a by-passer on a London street by two men, one who delivered a jihadist rant, a USA Today (May 24) analysis said "the word 'terror' has become politically charged." But not journalistically, if accuracy matters. Regardless, Washington Post practice continues to confuse.

The Washington Post’s Walter Pincus, Corrected Half-Way Round the World

Washington Post defense and security correspondent Walter Pincus writes often about Israel, Iran and nuclear weapons. He doesn't think highly of close U.S.-Israel ties and gives Iran the benefit of the doubt. His columns also generate corrections, the most recent, on April 25, counters Pincus' spin.

The Washington Post’s Walter Pincus, Corrected Half-Way ‘Round the World

Washington Post defense and security correspondent Walter Pincus writes often about Israel, Iran and nuclear weapons. He doesn't think highly of close U.S.-Israel ties and gives Iran the benefit of the doubt. His columns also generate corrections, the most recent, on April 25, counters Pincus' spin.

Terrorist or Militant? Washington Post Update

Many news media continue to use the words terrorist and militant interchangeably, despite their different meanings. When they do use them properly, they are more likely to describe American rather than Israeli victims. Recent Washington Post examples demonstrate such journalistic inconsistency and inaccuracy.