Eric Rozenman

Who Made Terrorist and Militant Synonymous?

What allows terrorists to become militants in the same news report? What makes al Qaeda in Yemen terrorists but Hezbollah, suspected in the bus bombing that killed five Israeli tourists in Bulgaria, “militants”?

CAMERA Letter Critiques Baltimore Sun Op-Ed on Divestment

 A Baltimore Sun commentary properly criticized support among some in the Presbyterian Church USA for divestment from companies doing business in Israel. But a CAMERA letter spotlighted the writer's mistaken equivalence of Palestinian and Israeli grievances. 

Letter in Washington Times: U.S. Election is not Israel’s Iran Consideration

 A Washington Times columnist, Arnaud de Borchgrave, tied a possible Israeli attack on Iran's presumed nuclear weapons program to the U.S. presidential election, and cited an Israeli source as downplaying the Iranian threat. CAMERA's letter to the editor supplied the missing, and contradictory, context.

Elie Wiesel Challenges President Obama; Washington Post Misses Story

 President Barack Obama and Elie Wiesel visited the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in connection with Holocaust Remembrance Day. While there, Wiesel challenged the president over Syrian repression and Iranian threats against Israel. Washington Post coverage omitted the biggest news.  

What Did Israeli Chief of Staff Really Say about Iran?

The Washington Post reported an Ha'aretz interview with the Israeli military's chief of staff, Lt. Gen. Benjamin Gantz, as front page news. But as The Atlantic's Jeffrey Goldberg pointed out, something important was missing in the re-transmission: Nuance that did not minimize the  danger of Iranian nuclear weapons.  

CBS News’ Mike Wallace: A Dissent

 Virtually all the many news media tributes for Mike Wallace, veteran correspondent of CBS News' "60 Minutes," omitted a singular peculiarity: When it came to adversaries of Jews and Israel, this hard-hitting journalist went soft.

‘Occupied’ or ‘Disputed’ Depends on Israel’s Involvement

 What's the difference -- in news media coverage -- between Kashmir and the West Bank? It seems to be that, for the press, the former is "disputed" territory but the latter is "occupied." Yet sovereignty over the West Bank most definitely is unresolved and disputed.

Fareed Zakaria: Depending on the Moderation of Mullahs

Fareed ZakariaFareed Zakaria, the over-exposed pundit of CNN, TIME and The Washington Post, advises Israel and the United States that a nuclear-armed Iran can be tolerated and deterred. His argument, however, rests on bad history, false comparisons and unconvincing empathy.