CAMERA Op-Ed: Biased Journalism Erases the Hostages

There’s more than one way to erase the hostages held by Hamas and other terror groups in the Gaza Strip. The more genteel journalistic erasures exact far greater and lasting damage than the bombastic street displays.

AP Casts Hamas’ Contested Fatality Figures as Fact

One day after the publication of yet another detailed study identifying serious flaws and anomalies in Hamas-supplied figures for fatalities incurred in Israel's Gaza Strip offensive, AP ran a headline and article which cited the terror organization's disputed and highly questionable figures as fact without even providing attribution.

CAMERA Op-Ed: AP Disguises Incitement As ‘Anti-War’ Protest

The Associated Press says it advances the power of facts, CAMERA writes in the Algemeiner. However, the news service's refusal to report pro-Hamas incitement and cloaking support for the terror organization's Oct. 7 attack as "anti-war" protest is the latest instance of AP diminishing the power of facts.