When NPR Overlooked Anti-Palestinian Discrimination

NPR's "Cities Project" report on Beirut, focusing on how the "ghost's of a city's past affects its neighborhoods," ignores how Lebanon's very real, concrete policies, including the ban on citizenship for Palestinians, impact those same communities.

NPR Interviews Anti-Israel Head of U.N. Gaza Investigation

National Public Radio's interview with William Schabas, head of the U.N. Human Rights Council's inquisition of Israel over Operation Protective Edge, sounded like journalism. But its holes made it resemble journalistic Swiss cheese.

NPR’s Diane Rehm Plays Gaza Wild Card: Herself

When Israel is the topic, moderator Diane Rehm tends to tilt the guest list on her National Public Radio show in a pro-Arab direction. When that is not enough, she puts her own hand on the scale. Case in point: Her July 22 broadcast.  

Mondoweiss Welcomed Warmly on NPR

A July 11 NPR segment of On The Media with host Brooke Gladstone was one for the books. A program that supposedly examines media coverage of events was itself a platform for blatant media bias.