Media Corrections

Accuracy and accountability are among the most important tenets of journalism. In combination, they mean media organizations are expected to publish or broadcast forthright corrections after sharing inaccurate information. The following corrections are among the many prompted by CAMERA’s communication with reporters and editors.


CAMERA Op-Ed: Arafat’s Incitement, Lies, and Videotape

In May, days before a Palestinian suicide terrorist murdered a score of Israelis, most of them young teenage girls, Yasir Arafat delivered yet another of his propaganda screeds, this time before the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) in Qatar. While repeatedly lauding Palestinians for "irrigating the land with their blood" in the struggle for "Palestine" he let loose a tirade of lies against Israel.

Brattleboro Reformer Must Correct Its Correction

In responding to complaints concerning an inaccurate headline, the Brattleboro Reformer of Vermont compounded the problem with an erroneous correction which appeared April 26 on page 9.

Chicago Tribune Prints Correction

In response to concerns raised by CAMERA the Chicago Tribune has printed a partial correction of a misleading Nov. 17 article. CAMERA criticized the story by Uli Schmetzer entitled “War of Attrition Claims Beloved Medic,” for misrepresenting a quotation from an Israeli soldier and misreporting the chronology of fighting in the Gilo-Beit Jala region as well as the threat that Jewish residents of Gilo face.

Wall Street Journal and New York Times Correct Inaccurate Stories

Wall Street Journal corrects the arsonist who attempted to burn down the Al Aqsa mosque was a Christian Australian tourist, not an Israeli. The New York Times corrects after misreporting that all of Jerusalem was controlled by Jordan prior to 1967.

Teen Newsweek Readers Beware!

"Peace Under Fire: Palestinians and Israelis on the Brink of War," the cover story of an October 2000 edition of Teen Newsweek is filled with errors and distortions about the current Israeli-Palestinian clashes. This one-sided article allows students to read only Palestinian views, seriously miscaptions a gory photograph depicting the bloody hands of a Palestinian who took part in the murder of Israeli soldiers, and leaves out key information regarding the violence of the last few weeks.