Ricki Hollander

Amira Hass Spouts Vitriol on the CBC

Ha'aretz reporter Amira Hass, best known for her extreme hostility toward Israel, was provided a platform on CBC's "The Sunday Edition" with Michael Enright to spout her vitriol against the Jewish state.

CBS “60 Minutes” Rebroadcasts Jerusalem Propaganda Piece

In October 2010, Lesley Stahl of CBS News's "60 Minutes" broadcast an overtly biased segment about Jerusalem's City Of David." Despite public outrage , CBS chose to thumb its nose at viewers and rebroadcast it on June 6, 2011. Read CAMERA's analysis.

AP “Fact Check” Conveys Anti-Israel Spin

Responding to Benjamin Netanyahu's address to Congress, the AP's Josef Federman wrote a "fact-check" to "counter" the Israeli prime minister's assertions. The wire service story reads more like the spin of a hired public relations specialist seeking to denigrate a political opponent and redirect the audience to a preferred message.

Seven Facts About Hamas

Regardless of  former U.S. President Jimmy Carter's new "confidence" that "Hamas' return to unified Palestinian governance can increase the likelihood of a two-state solution and a peaceful outcome" or media optimism about Hamas' supposed willingness to observe a truce with Israel, there are seven essential facts about Hamas that have not changed.

CAMERA Responds to BBC in Spectator

In an essay published in the Spectator, a British news magazine, CAMERA critiques the latest disingenuous attempt by the BBC to defend its one-sided documentary about Jerusalem.

Updated: The Goldstone Report and the New York Times

On Sunday, April 3, the Washington Post published a bombshell Op-Ed by Richard Goldstone in which he repudiated the central and most slanderous finding of the anti-Israel United Nations report that bears his name. But the New York Times — on both its opinion and news pages — seems to be trying to minimize the impact of his recanting.

Reuters Reverts: Neutralizing Terrorism

In a world where terrorism has become disturbingly prevalent, there is no room for mitigation of terrorist actions. Reuters and others, however, attribute terrorism to mere claim by its victims.