Ricki Hollander

New York Times: Defending the Muslim Brotherhood

David Kirkpatrick's Sept. 10 article from Egypt, "Visiting Republicans Laud Egypt's Force," was presented as a straightforward news report but read more like an opinion piece advocating for the Muslim Brotherhood.

New York Times Indicts Israel With Charges of Racism, Again

An article by Jerusalem bureau chief Jodi Rudoren was published on the front page of The New York Times on Aug. 29. It was about Israeli reaction to the turmoil in Egypt and Syria. And, it was the fifth article by Rudoren this year to include accusations of Israeli societal racism or sexism.

The New York Times Romanticizes Palestinian Stone Throwers and Ignores Their Victims

Stones kill, maim, wound and change people's lives forever. But you wouldn't know that from The New York Times front page article about Palestinian stone throwers. Rather, this was a story romanticizing the Palestinian perpetrators. It is they – not the Israeli dead and injured – who are presented as victims, "provoked by the situation," forced into a futile hobby, only to be arrested and incarcerated by fierce, powerful Israeli soldiers.

13-Year Controversy Over Al Dura Incident Continues

An Israeli government review committee concluded that a Sept. 2000 France 2 broadcast alleging Israeli soldiers killed Mohammed Al Dura -- a claim which spawned intense hatred and violence against Israel -- had no basis in fact. This confirms what many skeptics have been contending all along, but has not laid the issue to rest.

BACKGROUNDER: Mohammed Al Dura

UPDATED: More than 12 years after France 2 aired a report claiming that Israeli soldiers shot dead 12-year-old Mohammed Al Dura,  an Israeli government review committee has concluded that there was no evidence for those claims and that the report was used as propaganda that provoked violence and hatred against Israel and contributed to the delegitimization of the Jewish state.  CAMERA sorts out the claims and counter-claims. 

Double Standards on Soccer Racism

When The New York Times reported on soccer racism in Europe on Jan. 5, 2013, the story was about the negative response to racism by European soccer fans. But when discussing the recent protests by Israeli soccer fans against the recruitment of Muslim players, the newspaper used this as an excuse to present a sweeping indictment of Israeli society.

Media Embrace E1 Falsehoods

Instead of investigating activist claims that the building in E1 bisects the West Bank and cuts off access to Jerusalem, much of the media has simply echoed the false accusations.