Sean Durns
Vice News Compares Murdering Jews to Skateboarding Accidents
Is it possible to get just about everything regarding Palestinian incitement over Temple Mount and related terrorist attacks against Israeli Jews flippantly wrong in one article? Yes, if you write for Vice News and your name is Sam Kriss.
USA Today’s ‘Slingshots and Sandwiches’ Romanticizes Palestinian Violence
USA Today romanticizes Palestinian violence. That can happen when stringers with anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian histories play the role of foreign correspondent.
NPR Host Misses Anti-Israel Hate In 140 Characters or Less
Rocks Attack Cars, ‘Violence Spikes’ but Palestinian Arabs not Responsible
Palestinian Groups Ahead of ISIS in Destroying Antiquities
The Islamic State's (ISIS) destruction of pre-Islamic Middle Eastern antiquities is nothing new. Palestinian Arabs have been doing the same to Jewish sites for years—but without drawing news coverage like ISIS.
Incitement over Temple Mount Leads to Palestinian Violence, Again
Mahmoud Abbas and Palestinian Authority media incite Temple Mount violence. News coverage misses old and deadly pattern.
Praise for Carter Ignores Ex-President’s Anti-Israel Obsession
Jimmy Carter's reaction after a diagnosis of brain cancer won renewed notice of his humanitarian work. Not so for his anti-Israel animus, chronic errors on Arab-Israeli matters and Arab financial support.
CAMERA Rebuts Palestinian ‘Minister of Disinformation’
Palestinian propagandist Mustafa Barghouti repeated the usual Palestinian boilerplate in The Hill newspaper's Congress Blog. CAMERA's rebuttal exposed his fabrications and evasions.
What ISIS Owes Iran, and Vice-Versa
News media coverage has often failed to note the complex relationship between Shi'ite-ruled Iran and the Sunni terror group calling itself the Islamic State. Hint: They haven't always been enemies.