CAMERA Special Report: The National Iranian American Council; Tehran’s Best Friend in Washington

Reporting on the European Union's decision to stigmatize certain Israeli products with 'made in occupied territories' or 'made in Palestine [Sic.]' labels, The Washington Post failed to note 1) why Israel's in the disputed territories, 2) the E.U.'s echo of Nazi and Arab League boycotts and 3) the point of Israel officials' complaints.
J Street took to the pages of USA Today, minimizing the important role of Grand Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini and Palestinian Arabs in the Holocaust while it criticized Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Is it possible to get just about everything regarding Palestinian incitement over Temple Mount and related terrorist attacks against Israeli Jews flippantly wrong in one article? Yes, if you write for Vice News and your name is Sam Kriss.
USA Today romanticizes Palestinian violence. That can happen when stringers with anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian histories play the role of foreign correspondent.
The Islamic State's (ISIS) destruction of pre-Islamic Middle Eastern antiquities is nothing new. Palestinian Arabs have been doing the same to Jewish sites for years—but without drawing news coverage like ISIS.
Mahmoud Abbas and Palestinian Authority media incite Temple Mount violence. News coverage misses old and deadly pattern.