Jews Rampage, Arabs Demonstrate

In coverage of the current violence between Palestinians and Israel, many news correspondents are using lop-sided language in reporting on Jewish attacks against Arabs versus Arab attacks against Jews...

Thumbs Down to Gillian Findlay

THUMBS DOWN to ABC News' Jerusalem correspondent Gillian Findlay for biased, hostile reporting that belittles Israel's entirely legitimate security concerns. In a report on "World News Sunday" (September 5, 1999), Findlay told of simultaneous terrorist bombings in Tiberius and Haifa that wounded a number of Israelis. She said: "In the past, attacks like these were often used by Israel as a pretext for freezing peace agreements."

Jennings’ Jerusalem Jihad

Say this for Peter Jennings — he's unabashed in placing ABC at the disposal of the Arab agenda.

The ABC’s of Journalism

With Peter Jennings at the helm as Anchor and Senior Editor of World News Tonight, ABC News has won a reputation for unflagging bias against Israel.

Media Bury Israeli Dead

Statistics bare stark truths. What they reveal about media coverage of atrocities committed against Israelis is a relentless lack of interest–despite, at the same time, intense journalistic focus on other events in Israel.