Media Corrections

Accuracy and accountability are among the most important tenets of journalism. In combination, they mean media organizations are expected to publish or broadcast forthright corrections after sharing inaccurate information. The following corrections are among the many prompted by CAMERA’s communication with reporters and editors.


‘Gaza Strikes Back’: UPI Hits Rock Bottom

"Gaza strikes back at Israel after enduring months of war" was the United Press International headline whose relationship to reality mirrors that of George Lucas' "The Empire Strikes Back" science fiction favorite.

Hamas Flag Shows Up On NYC Street, But Not in AFP Caption

UPDATE: CAMERA prompts corrections of AFP and Getty photograph captions which whitewashed a New York City demonstrator waving a Hamas flag and sporting a Hamas headband as a "[p]ro-Palestinian" demonstrator. The corrected captions make his Hamas affiliation clear.

UPI Belatedly Acknowledges: Hamas Attacked Kerem Shalom Crossing

Two days after UPI’s Adam Schrader completely ignored that Hamas fired rockets towards Kerem Shalom even as he blamed Israel exclusively for the humanitarian crises facing Gazans, CAMERA prompts the news agency to cover the terror organization’s deadly attack on the crossing for the first time.

CNN Corrects: ICJ Did Not Find

When the International Court of Justice issued an order on January 26 in the “genocide” case between South Africa and Israel, it soon became common knowledge that the ICJ had found it “plausible” that Israel was committing “genocide.” This common knowledge, however, was in fact a myth.