Media Corrections

Accuracy and accountability are among the most important tenets of journalism. In combination, they mean media organizations are expected to publish or broadcast forthright corrections after sharing inaccurate information. The following corrections are among the many prompted by CAMERA’s communication with reporters and editors.


The New Wall Street Journal – Chasing Clicks with Anti-Israel Bias

The growing, undeniable tilt against Israel in Wall Street Journal news coverage since the October 7 Hamas attack on the Jewish state appears connected to a change in focus under a new Editor-in-Chief, Emma Tucker. The Journal now routinely terms all of the West Bank "Palestinian territory" -- an error previously corrected in the Journal's own pages.

CAMERA Op-Ed: The International Court of Justice Never Said That

In dozens of stories, AP committed one of the most egregious journalistic transgressions: misattributing a false quote to a source. Tamar Sternthal explains in Times of Israel how a bogus ICJ quote alleging “plausible risk of genocide” in Gaza found its way into AP reporting, and how CAMERA put an end to it.