Ricki Hollander

New Statesman Publishes Falsehoods by Palestinian Propagandist

The New Statesman, a British political weekly magazine whose self-declared aim is to promote socialist ideas "among the educated and influential classes," is allowing its pages to be used as a platform for anti-Israel propaganda, replete with outright falsehoods.

BBC Corrects False Report

BBC's False ReportOn March 7, 2008 the BBC aired video of Israel destroying the home of the terrorist who had just murdered eight yeshiva students. But the house has not been demolished, and on March 13 the BBC corrected the report.

Reuters Provides Hamas a Platform

"We bless the (Jerusalem) operation. It will not be the last," Hamas said in a statement following the terrorist attack at Mercaz HaRav, a Jewish yeshiva in Western Jerusalem, as candy was handed out in celebration in the Gaza Strip. Just three days earlier, a Reuters headline on an article presenting Hamas terrorists as heroic warriors trumpeted, "Inspired by God, Hamas Fighters Battle On."

Selective Reporting by the BBC

The BBC apparently deems it unnewsworthy to inform its Web site readers about the European Union's condemnation of Iranian President Ahmadinejad's violent anti-Israel diatribe. At the same time, the Israel-related stories showcased on the BBC Web site present Israel in a continuing negative light.

Study: On Nation’s Op-Ed Pages, Israel’s Voice is Stifled

A 19-month CAMERA study of guest Op-Eds about the Arab-Israeli conflict in the Washington Post, New York Times and Los Angeles Times found that pro-Arab Op-Eds and/or those critical of Israel overwhelmingly outnumbered pro-Israel Op-Eds and/or those critical of Arabs. No Op-Ed by an Israeli official appeared, though there were four Op-Eds by Arab officials.