Sean Durns

The Washington Post Embraces Colonialism

Colonialism, the Washington Post told readers in 2016, “isn’t something to celebrate.” Yet the Post fully embraces colonialism when it is in the service of an anti-Israel narrative. The newspaper’s recent reporting and commentary provide ample proof.

The Washington Post Finds Israel’s Democracy Divisive

The Washington Post continues to project its coverage, thoughts and opinions about U.S. politics to the Israeli political sphere. And when its preferred parties and candidates appear to be losing, it claims that democracy is under threat.

CAMERA Op-Ed: Iran Wants the West Bank

Iran, CAMERA tells The National Interest, is looking to seize Judea and Samaria. And with the growing unpopularity of the Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas, whose ruling Fatah movement is losing control over key cities, it might just get its chance.