Media Corrections

Accuracy and accountability are among the most important tenets of journalism. In combination, they mean media organizations are expected to publish or broadcast forthright corrections after sharing inaccurate information. The following corrections are among the many prompted by CAMERA’s communication with reporters and editors.


NPR Bias Persists As CAMERA Action Prompts Fox News, PBS Coverage

BOSTON, September 15, 2002 —In late summer 2002, Fox News, PBS's NewsHour and numerous other electronic and print media turned to CAMERA for interviews and comment about National Public Radio's controversial Middle East coverage. Repeated, in-depth studies by CAMERA underscore the continuing bias; quantitatively and qualitatively, the network fails to present balanced, accurate and complete coverage.

NPR’s Biased Corrections

In an effort to help NPR improve its coverage, CAMERA had repeatedly suggested in meetings with senior network officials that they follow the print media practice of correcting inaccurate or biased reports. But for years, the network resisted, claiming that its radio format made this difficult or impossible.

Jennings’ World

The saga of another Jennings error in reporting on Israel, followed by the network's outlandish rationalizations and its eventual, slippery correction, captures exactly the ethos of a media outlet that barely pretends to disguise its advocacy of the Palestinian cause.

The Los Angeles Times and the Palestinian-Israeli Crisis

In the critical period of late March through early April, the most striking findings concerning the Los Angeles Times coverage of Palestinian terrorist attacks and the Israeli response concerned headlines and photographs.

Questions About Hass’s Accuracy Overlooked

In her March 15 feature on Israeli journalist Amira Hass, Marjorie Miller does a good job defining the controversy surrounding Hass's point of view and ideology ("Voice for Israel's Enemy"). However, Miller unfortunately neglects to mention lingering questions about Hass's accuracy.