New York Times

The New York Times, one of the most influential newspapers in the world, not only influences its readers but also has significant impact on the news judgment and editorial perspective of other media. The caliber of accuracy, balance and thoroughness in this publication are therefore of particular importance.



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CAMERA Op-Ed: How the Press Serves Hamas’s War Aims

A recent study highlighted how Hamas has been manipulating casualty stats as part of the terror group's effort to win the information battlefield. But as CAMERA tells the Washington Examiner, too many press outlets have been willfully, and woefully, duped into broadcasting Hamas propaganda. And they should've known better.

CAMERA Op-Ed: Biased Journalism Erases the Hostages

There’s more than one way to erase the hostages held by Hamas and other terror groups in the Gaza Strip. The more genteel journalistic erasures exact far greater and lasting damage than the bombastic street displays.

VIDEO: The Amsterdam Pogrom – How Bad Journalism Fueled Lies

Last month in Amsterdam, gangs turned a soccer match into a horrifying "Jew hunt," chasing and savagely beating victims. Instead of condemning the violence, some media outlets spread baseless claims to excuse it. What really happened reveals an alarming narrative and the persistence of antisemitism. Watch the full story here.

NY Times Forgets: UN Resolution Calls for Disarming of Hezbollah

Although United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701 calls for the disarming of Hezbollah through Lebanon, the New York Times misinforms readers by citing only the part of the resolution calling on the terror group to evacuate southern Lebanon.

What the Nasrallah Obits Omit

Some do a better job at informing readers of Nasrallah’s reign of terror and destruction, others do worse, but few are as egregiously distorted as CNN's obituary.