Wall Street Journal

WSJ Columnist Overstates U.S. Aid to Israel by Almost $1 Trillion

In an Oct. 8 column entitled "Getting to Know Our New Buddy: OPEC," Wall Street Journal opinion writer Holman Jenkins overstated U.S. aid to Israel by almost a trillion dollars. His number is based on a study by economist Thomas Stauffer, which cannot be considered a credible source given that, among other absurdities, it includes aid to Arab countries as part of aid to Israel.

Road Map Corrections

With past Israeli-Palestinian peace plans, the media tended to minimize or ignore Palestinian obligations while highlighting or exaggerating Israeli obligations.

Palestinians Cheer Carnage

In an August 7, 2002, Wall St. Journal op-ed, Michael Oren explores one of the key obstacles to peace -- a Palestinian culture so adrift from civilized norms that it celebrates the brutal murder of civilians.

Wall Street Journal and New York Times Correct Inaccurate Stories

Wall Street Journal corrects the arsonist who attempted to burn down the Al Aqsa mosque was a Christian Australian tourist, not an Israeli. The New York Times corrects after misreporting that all of Jerusalem was controlled by Jordan prior to 1967.

Wall Street Journal Falsely Charges Israeli Arson of al-Aqsa Mosque

A news article in the Wall Street Journal (11/13) falsely charges that in 1969 an Israeli tried to burn down the al-Aqsa Mosque, when, in fact, the arson was committed by a tourist, a fundamentalist Protestant from Australia. It should also be noted that Muslim bystanders attacked Israeli firemen as they struggled to save the mosque.

Thumbs Up to Max Boot

THUMBS UP to the Wall Street Journal's Editorial Features Editor Max Boot for his astute December 14, 1998 column shedding light on the differences between the Israel-Jordan relationship and the Israel-Palestinian Authority one.

Media Mangles Land Issues

Television footage, photo images and news reports in recent years have relentlessly embellished a simple–and false–message: Israel ruthlessly demolishes the dwellings of Arabs, denying them needed housing, while vast, concrete Jewish apartment developments rise on every hillside...