Washington Post

Book Review Inadvertently Decodes Washington Post Tilt

Washington Post editor Cameron Barr's review of former Ambassador Martin Indyk's new book, Innocent Abroad, uses ostensibly neutral language to make a reasonable-sounding case for extreme and erroneous Arab positions.

Carter Shills for Hamas

Jimmy of ArabiaJimmy Carter, the David Irving of Middle East revisionism, proffers Hamas talking points and his own unique rants in yet another Washington Post Op-Ed. It seems that for Post editors Carter never needs to check his facts or logic.

Wrong Again: Scowcroft and Brzezinski

Foreign policy "realists" Brent Scowcroft and Zbigniew Brzezinski offer unrealistic Arab-Israeli advice to President-elect Obama. Former State Deparment official Aaron David Miller criticizes their recommendations, then makes unrealistic proposals of his own.

Washington Post-Watch: Once More Through the Palestinian Filter

The contrast between the headlines of The Washington Post's November 15 dispatch, "As Israel-Hamas Clashes Continue, Gazans Face Crisis" and The New York Times' same-day report "Hamas Fires Rockets Into Israel" couldn't be clearer. The continuing pro-Palestinian bias at the Post also could not be clearer.

WASHINGTON POST-WATCH: Two of Three Editorials in the Ditch

Since just before the 2006 Israel-Hezbollah war, Washington Post editorials have been better than the newspaper's foreign desk on Arab-Israeli news, often more timely and balanced. But two of three recent commentaries hit the ditch.