Alex Safian, PhD

New Book, New Falsehoods

With the release of his new book, Jimmy Carter hits the television studios again, introducing new falsehoods about Israel and Hamas.

Diana Buttu: Palestinian Rockets Don’t Explode!

Diana ButtuDespite video evidence, Diana Buttu claims Palestinian rockets fired into Israel don't explode! In reaction to such lies, respectable journalists should shun Buttu, and not act as accomplices in spreading her fabrications. 

Myths and Facts about the Fighting in Gaza

Myths about the fighting in Gaza multiply everyday. For example, Rashid Khalidi in a New York Times op-ed provided multiple examples of Gaza myths in an article purporting to do the opposite. (updated Jan. 19)

Who Broke the Ceasefire? CNN’s “Fact Check” Falls Short

CNN's Rick Sanchez promised "fact checking" of anti-Israel charges, "fairly [and] honestly." In fact CNN's incompetent research just compounded the errors. Viewers hoping for accurate coverage of the Middle East would do well to avoid Sanchez, and his co-anchor Jim Clancy, like the plague.

Israeli Court: Peace Now Lied, Must Pay Now

In a slam dunk ruling Peace Now was convicted of libel for claiming that Revava sat on Palestinian-owned land, ordered to pay 20,000 NIS plus tax in damages, and to publish an apology in the newspapers Ha’aretz and Maariv.

Propaganda Fit to Print at the New York Times

The New York Times' Ethan Bronner trumpets claims by Peace Now despite the fact that Peace Now’s prior charges, about land ownership, were wildly off target. Can it be that inaccuracy is of little concern at the newspaper of record?

Lies, Damn Lies, and Polls

Hamas EmblemA number of authors have claimed that Israelis support negotiating with Hamas. But the poll they cite is both deeply flawed and contradicted by a much more extensive and credible poll published at the same time.

FoxNews Cites CAMERA on BBC’s Fake Footage

Fox and BBCCiting CAMERA, FoxNews tonight ran a report on the BBC's false claim that Israel had demolished the home of the terrorist who attacked a Jewish seminary in Jerusalem. In fact, the home has not been demolished, and the BBC later corrected the report.