Gilead Ini

Editorializing the “Palestine Papers”

It was a victory for Guardian and al Jazeera spin when some ostensibly objective media organizations were swayed by the advocacy journalism associated with the publication of the so-called "Palestine Papers."

Obsessing Over Israel, NPR Glosses Over Plight of African Migrants

NPR listeners, who are steeped in coverage critical of Israel's policy toward migrants, would be forgiven for knowing nothing of the startling number of African migrants raped, beaten and tortured by Egyptians. For NPR, this story is apparently not worth telling.

Time Adopts the Language of Anti-Israel Activists

Partisan activists call Israel's barrier a "wall" in hopes of evoking Berlin, call Palestinians the "natives" in hopes of casting Jews as colonial outsiders, and conflate Jewishness with Israeli citizenship to allege racism. Why is Time Magazine adopting their biased language?

New York Times Plays Blame Game on Negotiations Impasse

The Palestinian leadership insists it will not resume face-to-face negotiations until Israel complies with its preconditions, while their diplomats — with the help of some partisan writing in the New York Times news pages — cast Israel as responsible for the impasse.

Backgrounder: The Human Rights Council Flotilla Report

After the publication of the Human Rights Council report on Israel's interception of the Mavi Marmara, the US ambassador to the HRC criticized the report's "unbalanced language, tone and conclusions." This article explains why the ambassador's assessment is correct.

CAMERA Op-Ed in Ynet Recounts Year of Errors and Distortions

In many traditions, the New Year is a time for resolving to changes bad habits. Unfortunately, as noted in CAMERA's Op-Ed, for some news organizations those habits included whitewashing terrorist groups, advocacy journalism and more.

New York Times Draws Anti-Israel Lesson From Palestinian Attack

palestnian terror attackWhat does a terror attack against Israel teach us? According to the New York Times, it's that Israel is being disruptive. In its recent coverage of two deadly attacks against Israelis, the newspaper demonstrated an especially flagrant abandonment of journalistic standards, spinning coverage so as to deflect culpability for the violence away from the perpetrators.

Fareed Zakaria Casts Hezbollah as a Model of Religious Tolerance

fareed zakariaBy uncritically relaying that Hezbollah respects Jews and is opposed only to Israel’s occupation, CNN's Fareed Zakaria dramatically misinformed viewers about Hezbollah, which has repeatedly made clear its opposition to Israel’s very existence and its contempt for Jews.