Gilead Ini

AP Takes “Hard Line” Against Israeli Negotiating Position

netanyahu abbas handshakeWhy does the Associated Press insist that Israel's call for immediate and unconditional direct negotiations reflects a "hard line," when it was the Palestinian side that consistantly refused to talk until their demands were met? And how did AP describe Israel when it was the side insisting on preconditions?

Reuters Reports False Claims, But Ignores Flotilla Facts

reuters flotillaThe role of a news organization is to uncover and report the facts, not to hide them once they have already come to light. Yet Reuters inexcusably does the latter, suggesting today that Israeli soldiers might not have been attacked on the Mavi Marmara.

Juan Cole’s Best Defense is an Angry Offensive

juan coleJuan Cole cries of a "threat to American democracy," but it's the threat to his already-battered reputation that seems to propel his angry and deceptive response to CAMERA's recent critique.

Bias by CNN Correspondent Ben Wedeman More than Just a Tweet

CNN Senior International Correspondent Ben Wedeman recently used his Twitter account to promote an anti-Israel rant by polemicist Juan Cole. Shortly thereafter, he engaged in some biased reporting of his own, stating that east Jerusalem belongs to the Palestinians and claiming that Israel needs to be convinced to start direct negotiations with Palestinians.

Kristof’s One-Sided Look at “Two Sides of a Fence”

In his July 1, 2010 column, "The Two Sides of a Barbed-Wire Fence," New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof blames Israel for Palestinian cave dwelling that began in 1830, conceals Israeli attempts to integrate Bedouin into towns with running water, and generally misleads readers about the conflict.

Gaza Flotilla Crisis Yields More Coverage, More Bias

In the aftermath of Israel's operation to prevent pro-Palestinian radicals from violating the naval blockade on the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip, media organizations are again focusing on Israel and its opponents in a way reminiscent of the onset of the second Palestinian "intifada."

Economist Defends Jerusalem Article

The Economist responded to CAMERA's critique of its one-sided and distorted article on Jerusalem. But despite an editor’s assertion that the Economist "always strives to present a fair picture," the magazine's defense merely reinforced the article’s unfair, partisan attitude.

Seattle Times Columnist Entitled to Own Facts?

Bruce Ramsey is entitled to his opinions. In fact, as a columnist for the Seattle Times, that’s precisely what he gets paid for. But it seems that his employers feel he’s entitled to his own facts, too, including the falsehood that "rockets [from Gaza] hadn't killed any Israelis."

Economist Demonizes Israel with Racist Traffic Light Accusation

The Economist, with Al Jazeera hot on its heels, has dug up a new Israeli villain: traffic lights. The news organizations allege Jerusalem traffic lights oppress Arabs with long red signals. In fact, Jewish and Arab traffic on major roads takes precedence over Jewish and Arab traffic on smaller roads.